Nintendo has released a new trailer for its Pokemon Red and Blue re-releases. Also included in the video are clips from Pokemon Yellow, a third version of the GameBoy classics that partnered players with Pikachu, instead of giving them a choice between Bulbasuar, Charmander, and Squirtle at the start.
These re-releases are intended to be as true to the originals as possible. As a result, there have been no visual improvements or other changes. It is unclear if the various glitches and other quirks with the originals have also been left untouched.
One major addition is the ability for players to trade and battle their Pokemon wirelessly, which required a Link Cable to do originally.
Interestingly, it looks like Mew has also been added to each version of the game. At the end of the trailer the Pokemon trainer can be seen initiating a battle, implying the legendary monster will be catchable the same way others are. Originally, the character was only attainable using exploits, or through attending special Nintendo events.
All three versions will launch on the eShop on February 27, which is the same day that Pokemon Red launched for GameBoy back in 1996 in Japan.
The next big Pokemon game set for launch this year is Pokken Tournamentt, a fighting game developed in collaboration with Banda Namco's Tekken team. It is scheduled to be available on Wii U from March 18.
Pokken Tournament features support for every Amiibo on the market, but the details of what functions each of those figures bring to the game haven't been discussed yet.