On Tuesday, Vatical Entertainment announced the creation of a new publishing division, Alter Ego Studios. This new publishing arm will focus primarily on games geared toward a mature audience. The first game to be released under the Alter Ego brand will be System Shock 2 for the Sega Dreamcast console in November 2000.
"We are excited about the prospects for our new publishing division," said David Kahl, Vatical Entertainment's executive vice-president and general manager. "Alter Ego Studios will unite both existing and original properties with cutting-edge developers to provide hard-core gamers with high-quality interactive fun."
Developed by Marina Games, System Shock 2 for the Dreamcast will feature single- player adventure, multiplayer capture-the-flag, and an Internet death-match mode. This version will have the same first-person action/role-playing gameplay of the PC original, but with visual and gameplay enhancements.
Vatical Entertainment is also the publisher of Elemental Gimmick Gear (EGG) for the Sega Dreamcast.