[Update] During today's Outer Rim focused stream, more details on what is going to be introduced and tweaked in Star Wars Battlefront has emerged online. Reddit user The_Darth_Dio has put together a list of these new features that have been revealed today.
Playlists coming soon!Dianoga can be seen in the Sullust mapAt least 4* new Blasters and other Star CardsRancor can be seen in Jabba's palace but it's... dead?Weeqqay species can be unlocked at level 60!New max level cap is now 60 instead of 50Combat rolling makes a return and is usable by all factionsDarth Vader got buffedLuke is a bit slowerYou can unlock new blasters and star cards by completing Hutt ContractsTurrets now have a health barAutobalance is comingBarrage has less detonating time but smaller blast radiusSquad shields and Personal shields can reflect every grenades except ion grenades and reflect projectiles except for cycler rifle and the new scatter gun.Quick match added for better matchmakingSpectator option added for private matchesHero Hunt has been completely changed and is basically a new mode.More Hero skins comingConfirmed imperial skins will be coming[Original Story]A few days ago, Electronic Arts and DICE have revealed that the first DLC for Star Wars Battlefront was going to be released sometime during March. Lack of additional details on the matter made players fear that the Outer Rim DLC was going to be delayed, but thankfully this won't be the case, at least for those who have purchased the game's Season Pass.
During a livestream showcasing content from the Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim DLC pack, it's been confirmed that the additional content will be released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on March 22nd for all Season Pass owners. Everyone else will be able to purchase the DLC from April 5th. A new trailer has also been shared online, and you can check it out right below.
The Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim DLC pack includes Greedo and Nien Numb, new maps , an increased level cap, the new Relby V-10 rifle, the DT-12 Blaster Pistol, and three new Star Cards, Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade and Adrenaline Stim.
Free additional content is also coming to Star Wars Battlefront in the future. A trailer that's been made available a few days ago revealed that the game is going to get a new play mode called Hutt Contracts in the future. Not much has been said about this mode, but more should be revealed soon.
During Sony's Game Developers Conference 2016, it's been revealed that DICE is currently working on a PlayStation VR exclusive version of Star Wars Battlefront. No footage has been shown, but the team promises a gaming experience like nothing else.
Star Wars Battlefront is now available in all regions on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The Outer Rim DLC will be released on March 22nd for all Season Pass owners, and for everyone else on April 5th.