[Update] The first Dishonored 2 free game update is now available globally for PC, Xbox One and PS4.
[Original] Dishonored 2 will be receiving its first free game update next week which introduces the new game plus mode, a new quick-access wheel option, and various improved features.
Game update 1 releases today as beta on PC, and the full update will release for PC, Xbox One and PS4 next week on December 19.
“Dishonored players have asked for it, so now New Game Plus is here for Dishonored 2,” says Creative Director Harvey Smith. “If you've ever wanted to make higher-powered characters, now's your chance. If you've wanted to play Emily Kaldwin with Possession or Devouring Swarm, or Corvo Attano with Domino, now you can. We've been having fun with it here at Arkane Studios, and we hope you will too.”
New Features
New Game Plus mode!
New Quick-Access Wheel option for hiding/unhiding items
Improved Features
Fixed Oraculum false-kill count in Royal Conservatory
AI detection tweaks to clarify when players are detected or not
AI locomotion improvement for running
Fixed various Bonecharm effects (Strong Arm, Spiritual Pool, etc)
Fixed a problem in slow-motion where some inputs were ignored
Blood Thirst: various enhancement and fixes
Killing an NPC with their own bullet is now more reliable
Tweak for mana potion refill speed, depending on difficulty
General performance and optimization improvements
Fixed various game logic issues
Fixed various User Interface issues
The second free game update for Dishonored 2 will release next month and will include two new features: Mission Select and additional Custom Difficulty Settings, the latter of which allows you to further tailor Dishonored 2 to your play style and adjust the challenge based on a wide array of settings.
Dishonored 2 is available now for PC, Xbox One and PS4. Alessio rated the game 9/10 in his review despite the launch performance issues (now fixed, for the most part), with the following summary:
Dishonored 2 is the best stealth action/adventure game on the market. It's filled with memorable characters and locations, not to mention empowered by superb art style and gameplay. No gamer should miss it, though if you intend to play on PC you might do well to wait for the update that's scheduled to bring a slew of performance improvements.