[Updated: Official Patch Notes] First Animal Crossing New Horizons Patch 1.1 Available Now; Patch Notes Included-March 2024
[Update 3/26] We've included the official release notes for Animal Crossing New Horizons Patch 1.1 down below, as supplied by Nintendo America:
Ver. 1.1 (Released March 20, 2020)
Online connectivity features
It's now possible to visit other islands through online play via the internet.Added features related to NookLink, a Nintendo Switch Online smart device app game-specific service.Added functionality for Best Friends.Message cards can now be sent to friends or received from friends.General updates
Added a seasonal event.Other adjustments were made to improve the game play experience.
[Original article] Animal Crossing New Horizons patch 1.1 is available now ahead of the game’s global release tomorrow and we’ve got you covered with its release notes.
The Nintendo of Japan took to Twitter to share the 1.1 patch notes, and as covered earlier this week, the patch packs support for the game’s first special event. The 1.1 patch updates the game’s file size from 6.2GB to 6.4GB and weighs in at 253MB on the Nintendo Switch.
We’ve included the translated release notes for the 1.1 patch down below. Please note that these do contain spoilers for the game that won’t be released until tomorrow.
Animal Crossing New Horizons Patch 1.1 Release Notes Nintendo Switch
The patch contains the game's first special event, Easter (4/1-4/12). Time travelers whose system is set to those dates will NOT be allowed to experience those events until it is actually that time IRL. An Internet connection will be required to check the real date when the event first starts on 4/1, after which the event can be enjoyed with no Internet connection. Also worth noting that the user playing must have a connected Nintendo account when this check is performed.Players can use the Nintendo Switch Online app features (QR codes, chat, etc.) beginning 3/20 1 pm JST. You can also now visit other players' islands.Players who install the update will receive a Nintendo Switch furniture item. If you're using the AC special edition Joy-Cons, it will look like your special system!Nintendo Switch Online members will receive a bonus rug that can be obtained with Nook Miles.Pocket Camp players can obtain certain PC items via the machine in Resident Services. Details on how exactly to do this will be provided later.Animal Crossing New Horizons launches globally for the Nintendo Switch tomorrow. In case you’re wondering if you should get the latest Animal Crossing installment, be sure to read our very own review of the game right here.