Ubi Soft announced on Friday that it is currently developing a game based on the hit television series VIP. The title will center on Pamela Anderson, one of the lead stars of the show. According to Ubi Soft, the VIP game will come to the PC, PlayStation, PlayStation2, Nintendo 64, Dolphin, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Dreamcast, and X-Box.
While details regarding the VIP title are still unclear, Ubi Soft says that the PlayStation, Dreamcast, and PC versions will feature 3D action-adventure elements. "The game is full of tongue in cheek humor, and features a star whose fame and celebrity is known around the world," stated a Ubi Soft release. "In addition, Ubi Soft will continue in its conquest of the American market thanks to this new brand reinforced by Pamela Anderson Lee's popularity in this territory."
The PC version of the VIP title will launch in October, and the PlayStation and Dreamcast versions will follow in November.