A freshly released third-person Kingdom Come Deliverance mod allows players to experience the title from a different point of view.
Released by modder ‘Fuse00’, this modification switches the camera to third person view. Please note that it does have a fair share of limitations and issues at this point, and gamepads are currently not supported while using this mod.
Known issues include being unable to interact with objects high above you and under your feet.
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Furthermore, the game’s camera will clip through ground, walls, etc. as there are currently no collisions. Other known issues have been included below:
Archery is not supported (since you can not aim with in third person view);
You can fight, but can not do combos - i.e. moving the sword position to up, down, left and right;You can not do smithing, alchemy and dice (camera will not zoom in while you playing dice etc.)You should press F7 or F8 every time you entering a cutscene or opening Nvidia Ansel tool - otherwise the camera will fly high above the scene.Down below you’ll find a video showcasing the mod:
What do you think of this mod? Does it enhance your Kingdom Come Deliverance experience? Hit the comments down below.