Braid creator Jonathan Blow's new game The Witness is making some people sick. Thankfully for affected players, Blow is working on a new update that he hopes will address the matter.
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People on Reddit, NeoGAF, and Steam (as discovered by Kotaku UK) are reporting that they are experiencing motion sickness after just a short time playing the recently released puzzle game.
"I really hope this is addressed, because I wont be able to continue until it is," one person wrote.
The issue, which of course doesn't affect everyone, appears to be related to The Witness' field of view setting as well as movement inside the game. The brightness of the game's colors are also turning some players' stomachs.
"I almost have to vomit (not because it's bad). I think the colors are too bright, my eyes are also hurting a little bit," someone wrote on Steam.
Blow has now responded to the reported motion-sickness issues for The Witness. He said he plans to "at least hack something in pretty soon" to hopefully address the issue. He didn't offer any further specifics.
@mgovier I will at least hack something in pretty soon and we will see how it helps.
— Jonathan Blow (@Jonathan_Blow) January 27, 2016
We'll have more details as they become available.
The Witness was released on January 26 for PS4 and PC. GameSpot's review scored it a 9/10, while other critics spoke positively about the game as well.
"There are still things about The Witness I can't make sense of--some clues I might never notice, and some puzzles I might never solve," GameSpot critic Mike Mahardy said in his review. "But the hints are there. It might not all be clear at first, but that's okay, because I'm always learning."
A version of The Witness for iOS will be released in the coming months, while, an Xbox One edition may also be in the works.