AMC's new Walking Dead spinoff World Beyond follows a group of teenagers who have grown up in the show's post-apocalyptic, zombie-ridden world. New footage from the show gives us a closer look at the young group, the world they live in--and even some moss-covered walkers.
The new show is intended to flesh out the world of The Walking Dead. Where Fear The Walking Dead has given us a look at the beginnings of the zombie apocalypse, World Beyond will show us the new normal in a world overrun by zombies.
The first key artwork features Aliyah Royale as Iris, Alexa Mansour as Hope, Nicolas Cantu as Elton, and Hal Cumpston as Silas, while the new image adds in Nico Tortorella as Felix and Annet Mahendru as Huck.
While their characters have grown up in a world where zombies are a given, they have lived in a safe area and never had to encounter them. The new TV show will chart their journey into the unknown, and will be both a teenage coming-of-age story and one of survival.
World Beyond premieres on April 12 at 10 PM ET, after the finale of The Walking Dead's tenth season. For those who are sick of the main show's stubborn refusal to end, the good news is that World Beyond is a limited series that will run for only two seasons.
More The Walking Dead content is still to come, with a trilogy of movies centered around Rick Grimes also in the works.