The Mandalorian, the first live-action Star Wars TV series, made its debut with the launch of Disney+ on November 12. In the first episode of the new show, which is set after the fall of the Empire in Return of the Jedi, we meet the main character, a Mandalorian played by Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones). He is a bounty hunter and a skilled fighter, described as the “best in the parsec” by one Greef Carga (Carl Weathers).
Carga tips off The Mandalorian to a secretive job with a man only known as The Client (Werner Herzog), a member of the fallen Empire who promises the bounty hunter rare Beskar iron as payment in exchange for delivery of “the asset.”
In the video above, Chastity and Rob give their initial impressions of Episode 1 and break down the major plot points, best Easter eggs, and coolest moments from the series premiere. Be sure to also check out GameSpot’s full list of 41 Star Wars Easter eggs, references, and other things you might miss from The Mandalorian Episode 1. Also, if you can’t wait to hear it on the show, The Mandalorian’s real name has been revealed. And for more Star Wars, read about how Star Wars Movies are in 4K and HDR for the first time on Disney+.
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