While the GameSpot editors' GOTY voting was an excruciatingly close race that involved extended debate, discussion, and argument, it looks like the People's Choice awards were no contest.
The Last of Us wins the GameSpot People's Choice game of the year award with an overwhelming 27% of the vote.
In a distant second was BioShock: Infinite with 15% and Grand Theft Auto V close behind with 14%.
GameSpot's own overall game of the year ended up going to The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The Last of Us won the PlayStation 3 game of the year, and BioShock Infinite was nominated for (but did not win) the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC game of the year.
Regardless, how do you feel about how the voting turned out? Did your own personal favorite end up on top, or was victory cheated away from Ni No Kuni or Assassin's Creed IV?
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