After five years out of the spotlight, Tom Clancy's Ghosts return this month in Future Soldier. Quite aptly then, they're returned with an upgrade from Advanced to Future soldiers, now packing enough ultramodern tech hardware to make Skynet blush. One of the more iconic pieces of future tech is the new optical camo: imagine Solid Snake's octocamo suit combined with some of the stealth abilities of Prophet's nanosuit.
We had the opportunity to play the single-player campaign this week and demo a number of missions across a variety of environments. Check out the gameplay movies below to see the Ghosts in action across a sandstorm-plagued desert, an arctic plane, and a military compound at night.
Sniper in the Sand
Nighttime Infiltration
Desert Storm
Arctic Warhound
GRFS is due to hit shelves on May 22 and May 25 in the US and Europe respectively. Have these gameplay clips whet your appetite for a dose of futuristic squad-based warfare? Let us know in the comments section.