If there's a single word to describe Destiny 2, it's disruption. In the sequel to Bungie's popular shared-world shooter, the Guardians of Earth have finally met their match with a new villain who's got his eyes on The Traveler. Our heroes, with their powers stripped away and all their gear destroyed, are pushed back to square one and have to relearn what it means to be a true Guardian of the Light. Though it's sad to see our valuable Exotics fade into the ether, this turns out to be a blessing, as the next adventure for our characters will bring new challenges, new rewards, and an even greater feeling of satisfaction when succeeding in the next big battle.
Though the general grind in Destiny 2 is the same as in the previous game, there are a number of major differences. During our extensive hands-on time before the launch of the game, we saw the many tweaks and additions coming to the game's core pillars, and how different it'll be compared to the years spent in the original Destiny. Let's take a look at five of the biggest changes in Destiny 2.
First referenced in The Taken King mission "Outbound Signal," the main antagonist of Destiny 2 is the Cabal Emperor Dominus Ghaul. Unlike the first game, which struggled to fully convey what role The Darkness played in the broader story--the warlord behind the Red Legion is a tangible character with story beats revealing why he came to Earth to find the Traveler, and what his plans are with its power. If you're a returning Guardian, the story will essentially pick up where you left off after Rise of Iron--assuming you already know who is who, and what you're fighting for. For the new Guardians, you'll gradually be introduced to the enemy factions and allies with slightly altered dialog and scenes to accommodate first timers to the Destiny fiction. In addition to a more well-rounded and developed campaign, finishing the main story will open up Destiny 2's broader end-game content, which the developers claim is where the story and many of its plot setups will pay off.
Moreover, random rolls for weapons and armor have been dropped, ditching the frustration of finding a rare weapon with lousy perks. There are also more opportunities and ways to find new gear: Rewards come from high-profile targets that drop loot cases, Lost Sectors, along with turning in tokens and completing tasks for each planet's faction. When unlocking loot, you'll no longer have to undergo bizarre rituals to ensure you get the best outcome. Overall gear power in your entire inventory will be factored in, making switching over to your most powerful gear unnecessary. Furthermore, encrypted engrams are more rare, and only a maximum of ten can be held at any given time. Encrypted engrams only come in the form of Legendary, Exotic, and the new Bright Engrams, which we'll get into later.
While there are still plenty of Patrol and story missions taking you around the various game worlds, the new adventure missions are more directed quests given out by allies in the field. Focusing on the history of the planet and its people, they'll send you to the more obscure and bizarre reaches of the world, providing an opportunity to learn more about the setting and the characters who inhabit it. During an adventure mission on Nessus, you and your Ghost will be joined by another ally named Failsafe--an AI that possesses two unique and conflicting personalities. These missions can often be humorous and thrilling, and offer a nice break from the more epic, set-piece focused story missions as well as the plain objectives of the Patrols.
Bright Engrams are found through quests, chests, and random drop from foes. After reaching level 20, each time you fill the EXP bar after will grant a new Bright Engram--replacing Mote of Light rewards--making new accessories more available than ever. These are joined by new items called Auras, a dedicated option for visual effects such as flames and other distinct designs that are applied to your characters. Cosmetics now come in a variety of tiers, such an odd Exotic Emote that allows the Guardian to summon a table made of multi-colored lights and flip it over. Moving over to weapons, there are ways to further customize your loadouts as well. In addition to the various shaders, new weapon mods are obtainable. These mods have strange effects such as altering elemental properties, turning a Void auto-rifle into an arc damage weapon.
Along with regular updates and posts from the developers detailing hot-fixes and upcoming updates, the app's the recruitment options allow Guardians to organize groups for Strikes, Nightfalls, Crucible matches, and general questing. There is now also dedicated clan support, giving players the chance to create a group on Bungie's official site and invite members of the community to join. Along with creating unique banners, and having Clan-dedicated chats and forums, a Clan will also work together to gain unique rewards and bonuses through their journey--which are cumulatively added up among members. These rewards come in many forms, such as unique emblems and auras, but will constantly change depending on the weekly refresh.
For those returning to the series, Destiny 2 will be an experience that is familiar but more refined in its approach to building up a unique character. And for both existing players and those coming in fresh, Bungie's sequel looks to offer a stunning and broad game world to explore--along with tons of loot to find and monsters to shoot.