The Chinese Room just became Sumo Digital's fifth studio, as confirmed today with a press release. The Brighton-based UK independent team is known to the public for unique games such as Dear Esther, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs and more recently Everybody's Gone to the Rapture.
Carl Cavers, CEO of Sumo Group, said:
I am really pleased that Dan has chosen to join Sumo Group. We believe Dan’s renowned creative abilities will add real value to Sumo Group. The Chinese Room has an outstanding reputation and its acquisition will enhance and extend Sumo Digital’s capabilities. Having a studio in the south of England opens new doors for the Group and we are confident that it will create exciting opportunities.
Dan Pinchbeck, Creative Director of The Chinese Room, said:
I’m thrilled to be joining Sumo Digital, a network of studios I've got a huge amount of respect for. Sumo will provide the support and experience I’m looking for to take The Chinese Room to the next level. Our aim is to build on the reputation I’m proud to have earned, to create a truly world-class studio delivering bold, imaginative new games. We’re already working on some really fantastic new concepts, alongside discussions with partners about some of the games we already have in the pipeline. The future of the studio is incredibly exciting and being part of the Sumo family is absolutely central to that.
Paul Porter, Managing Director, Sumo Digital said:
I’m delighted that Dan is joining Sumo Digital, and very much looking forward to The Chinese Room continuing to create the unique, innovative games they are known and loved for.
Sumo Digital has grown massively in the last couple of years. In early January they announced the acquisition of CCP Newcastle; their headquarters remain in Sheffield, but there's also another office in Pune, India.
That seems natural when you look at the many projects they have underway, which include Crackdown 3 for Microsoft, Dead Island 2 for Deep Silver, Project Nova for CCP and Team Sonic Racing for SEGA.