Let's face it: Thanksgiving turkey 0WN3Z. There simply is no better holiday meat than those plump juicy gobblers. Even the once-mighty Christmas ham is a distant second to this most splendid holiday foodstuff. It's just one of the reasons I'm thankful heading into the long holiday weekend.
Sports gamers have a lot to be thankful for as well. This year's sports harvest saw a crop of fantastic titles, some innovative features, and even a price war. If you're curious to see exactly what GameSpot Sports is grateful for in this year's sports gaming titles, check out our newest feature: Thanks, Sports Gaming!
Found a sports game or feature for which you're especially appreciative? Let us hear about it!
P.S. Those of you who disagree with my detailed and in-depth assessment regarding the merits of Thanksgiving turkey may take your futile and ineffectual rebuttals here. Happy Turkey Day everyone!