For the first time in a very long time, the Smash series will not be part of the Evo fighting game tournament, as Super Smash Bros Ultimate has not been included in the Evo Online lineup.
Forced to move online due to the current Pandemic, this year's Evo will include some of the best fighting games that come with rollback netcode, like Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath, Killer Instinct, Them's Fightin' Herdes and Skullgirls 2nd Encore. The decision to not include Super Smash Bros Ultimate to the lineup, despite its popularity, is likely related to the horrible online experience that makes it difficult to hold a serious tournament.
Online play in the Smash series has always been far from being great, and it is a shame that the situation hasn't been improved in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, as the game is definitely among the best entries in the series ever created.
But you might notice something in this review - a distinct lack of complaints. Well, much of the game is, of course, taken straight from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, including characters, many animations and effects, but that's it. It has so much new and changed that it feels completely distinct from that game, and the handheld form factor is another fantastic plus. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate really does include everything Smash of the past has offered and more, but it needs, perhaps, more new stages and costumes. They certainly wouldn't go amiss.
The Evo Online tournament will take place over five weekends, starting from July 4th.