Nintendo’s Super Mario Maker has sold more than 1.8 million copies since its launch back in September of this year.
Super Mario Maker for the Wii U released on September 11 of this year, and has since then sold 1.88 million copies according Nintendo’s recent earnings release for their Fiscal Year 2015. The company’s current fiscal year ends in March 2016.
Interestingly enough, the game released less than 2 months ago, implying that Nintendo managed to sell almost 2 million copies of the game. As the game only released on 1 platform, this can be considered quite a fear. In comparison, Konami’s Metal Gear Solid V released on PS4, PS3, PC, Xbox 360 & and Xbox One, and managed to ship 5 million copies. This includes digital downloads of the game.
According Nintendo, Super Mario Maker sales include copies bundled with hardware, and digital downloads. Approximately 20% of the game sales come from Japan.
“Super Mario Maker is a dream come true for Nintendo fans of all ages,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “Whether you prefer creating levels or playing ones created by others, the game is a virtual Mario playground.”
In general, Nintendo reports profits with software sales going up, compared to the same timeframe from last year.