The Street Fighter franchise will be without one of its lead producers for some time. Writing on Twitter, Yoshinori Ono said he is temporarily stepping away from his post to recover from an unspecified illness. Get better soon, Ono.
"I'll refrain from work for current job for a while," he said. "Another person in charge of [Street Fighter] series for a while." Ono added that he will give "constant support" to the franchise.
Street Fighter X Tekken shipped for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on March 6, and Ono said the development team is "working wholeheartedly" on patches for the game.
On the eve of the game's launch, Capcom admitted that the 12 "downloadable" characters announced as PlayStation Vita exclusives were actually on the discs of the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC versions of the game. These fighters will be sold for $20 (1,600 MS points) sometime after the PS Vita version launches this fall.
For more on the title, check out GameSpot's interview with Ono, embedded below.