As reported yesterday, the lawsuit against Blizzard Entertainment alleging info-seeking registry sniffing will be dismissed. "It's been settled," says the lawyer who filed the complaint on April 27, 1998.
Donald Driscoll, the attorney seeking to hold Blizzard Entertainment responsible for securing Starcraft user information without user consent, has come away from the bench with what he wanted - a promise from Blizzard never to acquire such information from users' registries again. "This is what we're trying to achieve, and it's important," Donald Driscoll told GameSpot News on Tuesday.
Driscoll did express concern that this sort of information acquisition "can easily be done," and that monitoring by consumer advocacy groups such as Intervention (the nonprofit corporation Driscoll has in the past allied with) is important. "Companies have to respect the privacy" of those individuals online. "Once you get that doorway to the Internet up, a program can do almost anything" in terms of information access.
For now, the settlement of Intervention Inc. v. Blizzard Entertainment and Cendant Corporation is legal history.