Although it's not set in stone right now, it sounds like this year's Star Wars Rogue One will not include the franchise's iconic opening crawl. Being the first-ever Star Wars "story" film, Lucasfilm is looking at taking a different approach to Rogue One as it relates to the opening sequence.
"You know, we're in the midst of talking about it, but I don't think these films will have an opening crawl," Kennedy told Entertainment Tonight.
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Now Playing: Star Wars Rogue One Celebration Reel Breakdown
By "these films," she also likely is referring to all of the upcoming "story" movies, including 2018's Han Solo film. At Star Wars Celebration this weekend in London, Disney officially introduced Alden Ehrenreich as the actor who will play the famous smuggler.
In June, Kennedy also addressed the possibility of doing away with the opening crawl for Rogue One.
Director Gareth Edwards said Rogue One may not have an opening crawl because it might lead people to believe Rogue One 2 is on the way.
"The idea is this film is supposed to be different than the saga films...the whole crawl of it all-- it's funny people are fascinated on that," he said.
"This film is born out of a crawl. The thing that inspired this movie was a crawl and what was written in that," Edwards added. "There's this feeling that if we did a crawl, then it'll create another movie. And so the honest answer is you'll have to wait and see."
Rogue One's official title is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The naming convention for all previous mainline films has started with Star Wars, including the most recent one, 2015's Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Due out on December 16, Rogue One stars Felicity Jones, Ben Mendelsohn, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, and Diego Luna. James Earl Jones returns to voice Darth Vader, though the character will only appear sparingly in the film.
For more on Rogue One, check out GameSpot's breakdown of the behind-the-scenes footage released at Celebration; you can also see a new poster here.
Celebration also brought news about Star Wars Battlefront, as DICE confirmed the game's final expansion will be themed around Rogue One.