EA and Sony have just released an official Playstation Holiday 2015 commercial showing off Star Wars Battlefront.
The released commercial can be called quite awesome and I advise checking it out yourself. The force seems to be strong with Playstation this holiday.
Earlier this year, Sony announced limited edition PS4 Battlefront bundles to accompany the launch of the shooter. Due to a sparse line-up this year, Sony seems to be focusing a lot on marketing third-party games. In comparison to last-gen, Sony seems to be making more deals with third-party developers. Good examples are recent deals with Activision for Blacks Ops III and Destiny.
Although the line-up is a little thin this year, the PS4 is selling like hot cakes. Sony’s Shu Yoshida called the success of the Playstation 4 “ironic a in a sense”. I’m sure that this new commercial for the PS4, will sell even more consoles.
Star Wars Battlefront releases on November 17th for PS4, Xbox One and PC.