Gamespot has shared some impressive Beta gameplay footage of Star Wars Battlefront's Co-Op mode, as well as a montage of both Imperials and Rebels in Walker Assault mode. The footage is taken from the PC version of Star Wars Battlefront. You can view Gamespot's gameplay footage in the videos below.
Digital Foundry has released a new video showcasing the impressive performance of Star Wars Battlefront, averaging at an impressive 80fps at 1080p on maximum settings, using an i7 4790 coupled with an AMD Radeon R9 290X.
DICE recently explained the process of bringing Boba Fett to life in Star Wars Battlefront.
Being equipped with a jetpack Boba Fett becomes very powerful compared to other characters, giving players the ability to soar across the large multiplayer maps. In his arsenal Boba Fett also has an EE-3 Carbine Rifle and his iconic wrist launchers from the original movie trilogy.
“When we first designed Boba Fett’s flight pack, it quickly became clear that the ability to fly unhindered was very powerful compared to other characters who didn’t have that ability,” Jamie Keen explains. “For instance, when Boba Fett was facing off with Luke Skywalker in early development, it was unbalanced as there were no limitations placed upon his flight capability. That’s why we’ve added a fuel mechanic which forces Boba Fett to land from time to time before he can take off again.”
If you’re facing off against Luke and your opponent can anticipate these landings, you might find yourself in a close encounter situation. But, once you’re up in the air again, you can continue to take pot shots at Luke, which can in turn be deflected – a good example of the tactical dynamic the fights between Heroes and Villains contain.
Once you’ve had some time with Boba Fett, the flow of battle will be you shooting at enemies with your EE-3, and then punctuating that with either a rocket or flame attack whether you’re on the ground or in the sky. The chance to play around with different attack patterns like these is something the DICE team is very excited about."
Star Wars Battlefront will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 19, 2015. We will bring you any new information on Star Wars Battlefront as soon as it becomes available.