Hasbro has announced more action figures from its Marvel Gamerverse series, celebrating characters from various Marvel-inspired video games. Now, the toy company has announced a two-pack set of Inner Demon and Mr. Negative from Insomniac Games' Spider-Man.
Arriving in January 2023, the two-pack will be available exclusively at GameStop stores. Hasbro has given GameSpot an early look at the figures, and you can check out some images below.
Retailing for $50, the two pack features an Inner Demon and Mr. Negative--the main villain from Spider-Man. Like the rest of the Marvel Legends line, each figure has multiple points of articulation, so you can make a nice setup of Mr. Negative pointing at the Inner Demon to attack your Spider-Man toy.
Of course, there are plenty of accessories as well. Mr. Negative comes with a sword and negative accessories while the Inner Demon comes with three swappable heads, four weapons, and an extra set of hands. The figures are available for preorder at GameStop.
For those who haven't played Spider-Man yet--you must--it's coming to PC this August, and Miles Morales will arrive this fall, which was announced during PlayStation's State of Play event. Spider-Man 2 will be arriving in 2023 from Insomniac Games, and it will be a whole lot darker in tone. A teaser was revealed last year, and it featured Spider-Man, Miles Morales, and Venom.
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