Late yesterday Sony announced what was in store for the PS3 in the upcoming version 2.70 firmware update. The new additions mainly deal with a new Text Chat feature. The new feature lets you join up to three different chat rooms at the same time. You'll be able to type to your friends using the on-screen keyboard, the Wireless Keypad, or via a compatible keyboard. Each chat room will support up to sixteen people, and you can stay in them while you play games.
Sony revamped the friends list on the XrossMediaBar to complement the new Text Chat feature. You'll now be able to sort friends by online status and send them files up to 3MB in size.
You'll also be able to backup videos purchased from the PlayStation Store to an external hard drive. In a bid to keep things simple for users, Sony will now allow users to transfer PSP video purchases to the PS3 for playback.
Sony didn't announce a firm date for the update, but we don't imagine it will be too far off.
ed - The update is available now.