Sony president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida is disappointed by the PlayStation 4's "low" software review scores, but he does not think the the critical marks will have an adverse effect on the system's launch.
"Yeah, it's disappointing to see some of the low scores. I haven't spent enough time reading reviews, but I would characterize them as mixed," Yoshida told GamesIndustry International.
A number of factors may have played into the "low" scores, Yoshida said, including online functionality only recently becoming ready and the pure volume of games that demanded reviewers' attention in the past weeks.
"It's disappointing but I don't think it's worrisome for the launch of the system. I've played through all of our games, Killzone, Knack and Resogun, and I totally enjoyed playing through these games," Yoshida said. "I'm now on my second run of Knack and Resogun at a higher difficulty--these games really grow on you when you play more. I'm very confident that once you purchase these games and play, you'll be happy that you've done so."
For more on the PS4's launch titles, check out GameSpot's review roundup featuring games like Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, Resogun, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Battlefield 4, Sound Shapes, Contrast, and Flower.
The PS4 officially launches in North America tomorrow, November 15. For more on the next-generation system, check out GameSpot's video demonstration on how to install a new hard drive, an in-depth look at the new UI and dashboard, and a general hardware overview.
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