"Sonic's new racing adventure speeds past its predecessor and delivers a kart racer that can keep up with the best in the genre."
GameSpot is having an image altering contest for the new super Sonic racing game Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.
What you should know:
Here is the original design for the Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed box art, your mission is to create an alternate box art design.
- The entry size should be 1200 x 1600.
- Deadline for this contest is Monday December 3rd at 10:00 am PST.
- Send your submissions to [email protected] making sure to include your GameSpot user name, the platform of your choice, your physical mailing address, and your submission.
The following art styles will be considered:
- Drawings
- Paintings
- Graphic Art
- Collage
The winners of this contest will receive a copy of Sonic Racing transformed for either the X360, PS3, or WiiU.
Don't have Photoshop? Gimp.org is open source software for photo editing.
Never altered an image before? Here's a guide to How to edit a picture in windows paint.