Sonic Boom, a new Sonic the Hedgehog CG-animated TV show that shares a name with the upcoming game, will premiere on Saturday, November 8 on Cartoon Network.
Sega announced the news at the Sonic Boom 2014 Fan Event in New York. The new trailer it first revealed there shows Sonic running on walls, fighting robots, and other things you'd expect to see Sonic doing, but also a fair bit of humor. In one of the episodes featured in the trailer, titled "Can an evil genius crash on your couch for a few weeks?" Series villain Dr. Robotnik comes over to stay with Sonic and friends and talk out their problems.
Sega announced Sonic Boom earlier this year, describing it as "a new branch of the Sonic universe." It features a new design for the characters, which will get their own line of toys in addition to the show and two new games: Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal for 3DS and Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric for Wii U.
Both games will release on November 11. For more on the two new games and the differences between them, check out the new trailer below and our preview from E3 2014.