Gaming Bulletin
Time for the weekly social gaming bulletin, lets hit the ground running and take a quick look at this "Rode Dog" app created by an 11 year old girl named Victoria Walker. Victoria collaborated with designer David Grau to create an app to help prevent texting while driving as a part of the "It Can Wait" campaign. Victoria not only created something to help people, but she is also now about $20,000 richer for it thanks to the promotion created by AT&T. Next up GDC Online is right around the corner and for those who are interested in game development and are in the Austin area you should check it out! What? Don’t have any tickets handy? Well you can enter here for a chance to get a pass to GDC Online in Austin Texas. Finally for you Minecraft fans, they have recently added not one, not two, but 33 new biomes to explore in the popular pixel playground. For more information on what these biomes offer to enhance your gaming experience check this link here.
Geeky Gimmies
A little quiet this week, but we still managed to find a few frilly fancy finds for those gamer girls. First off we stumbled on this amazing complete outfit for Princess of Zelda which is nothing short of stunning. Granted the 1,500 price tag is a little on the steep side for some, but if you're a die hard Zelda fan and have been meaning to get the perfect cosplay! Next up we have a few more girly accessories, these silver Cactaur earrings are a great addition to any jewelry box. But if all these things aren't your cup of tea we also found this deal on Amazon for the 10th Anniversary edition of Firefly. This 544 page full color volume is amazing and honestly a must have for any die hard Brown Coat.
Making Mischief
Nintendo Zapper Laser setting things on fire!
One of the best Cosplays of TGS 2012
VG Cats: Horrors of War
How to describe Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, and Breaking Bad to people
Learn to make Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy – Steak and Fries, Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire – Snowberry Crostata and Dark Souls – Dung Pie
Free to Play
This week we hit the Jack Pot GameSpotters! If you're a fan of adventure time than #GAMEMAKINGFRENZY has just the thing for you, which happens to be a cornucopia of Adventure Time games, side scrolling, puzzle playing, hack and slashing, anything you could want and more! Now click away GameSpotter, for awesomeness awaits you!
That's Hot
For those of you who can’t get enough of Borderlands 2, we’re sure you’ll agree that this Psycho cosplay is pretty crazy!
Link Lotto
Sometimes they're funny, sometimes cool, sometimes they're just plain weird, its Link Lotto!
There will be no bacon shortage
Zombie Lawn Gnomes: Bye Bye Birdie
Mother of the Realm
Extra Credit
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