The upcoming Smurfs feature film already has a number of celebrities attached, with Neil Patrick Harris starring and Katy Perry, Jonathan Winters, and George Lopez providing voice work. The project gained one more big name today, as Ubisoft announced that it will be making the gaming tie-in for the film.
Smurfing a theater near you soon. Ubisoft's Smurfs game is set to launch on the Wii and the "DS family" of handhelds around the time of the film's August 3 premiere. The game will be based on the film, which will combine live action with computer graphics to show what happens when the Smurfs and their nemesis Gargamel are magically transported to current-day New York City.
The Smurfs recently ended an extended leave of absence from the gaming world. After 2001's critically panned Smurf Racer! on the original PlayStation, the tiny blue men group stayed on the gaming sidelines for nearly a decade, finally returning last November as Capcom launched the microtransaction-driven, free-to-play Smurfs' Village for the iPhone, other iOS systems, and Facebook.