New music from dubstep icon Skrillex is available today, but you won't find it through traditional outlets like iTunes or YouTube. Instead, Skrillex has chosen to debut tracks from his new album Recess through a crazy new free video game called Alien Ride.
Available today for iOS and Android devices, Alien Ride is an Asteroids-style game that has you blasting away at space rocks. Before long though, you'll unlock tracks from Recess (I was able to unlock "All Is Fair In Love And Brostep" in under a minute).
If you're not connected to Wi-Fi, be warned, as the game will automatically initiate song downloads, which might be a burden on your data usage. Songs from within the game are available to stream for a limited time, while Recess officially goes on sale March 18.
Think you're good at Alien Ride? There's a high score tracker on Skrillex's website where you can track your progress. The current score to beat is 94,500.