This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.
The League Championship Series is great, but it could be a whole lot better. We love the LCS. In the past year, the production value has skyrocketed, the quality of casters has improved immensely, and the players are just as great as ever. Riot’s professional league has become the premier esports production, and for good reason. It’s accessible, easy to follow, and looks generally great.
However, there’s always room to improve. Here’s some very simple ways that the LCS can take its broadcasting to the next level.
But that doesn’t mean it was perfect. There were still too many inside jokes between the players and casters, making the broadcast a bit too inside baseball for those who aren’t familiar with all the ins and outs of the interpersonal relationships between all the people on the desk. By all means, keep it up with the friendly rivalries and banter, but keep it to what’s actually happening in the series. In short, Montecristo’s Korean hype train hat is good, sick burns about a failed play from two seasons ago, not so much.
Oh, and put players in suits while they’re at the desk. Those jerseys don’t look too great.
Now, I’m not great fashion icon myself, but I’m sure we can get someone who knows what they’re doing with clothes to make Kobe and the guys look just as good as the rest of the production. It’ll probably involve a tie or something.
Or at least having the delays filled with something a bit more productive. The analysis desk is a great place to start, and the interviews with players are alright. But that brings me to the next request.
The players aren’t holding up their side of the bargain. Sure, we’ve got guys like Doublelift and
Dyrus firing shots from time to time, but for the most part the interviews feel fairly stilted and boring. It may be asking a bit too much, but why not send a couple players from each team to some media training, where they can learn to do well while on camera?