Today, Sierra Studios announced Tribes 2: World Domination, a worldwide online competition based on its team-combat PC game, Tribes 2. Sierra claims that World Domination will be the largest online competition of its kind and will help further develop competitive online gaming. In particular, tribes from three regions - North America, Europe, and Asia - will likely participate in Tribal World War, a contest that will pit the greatest players and teams against one another for a chance to win a grand prize of US$50,000.
This fall, players can begin recruiting teammates and registering their tribes online at the Tribes 2 official web site. Individual tribes will also be able to practice and hone their skills prior to the tournament's commencement, which is scheduled for early 2001. World Domination officially begins with three regional tournaments: one in North America, another in Europe, and another in the Asia/Pacific region. The best teams from each region will fight for the grand prize.