New Shin Megami Tensei V gameplay footage has been shared online, showcasing characters, new battle features, and more.
The new footage, shown during the first episode of the Shin Megami Tensei V New program, showcased some new characters like Tao Isonokami and Yuzuru Atsuta.
The news program's first episode also revealed some additional details on Magatsuhi Skills, powerful attacks that deal massive damage which can only be unleashed after filling the Magatsuhi Gauge. Enemies can also use these skills as well, adding more depth to the feature.
During the Shin Megami Tensei V News program first episode, which is available in full below, it has also been confirmed that downloadable maps are in the works. These maps will allow players to earn additional Macca and EXP, like in Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster. The full English transcript for the video below can be found on Gematsu.
Shin Megami Tensei V launches on November 12th in North America and Europe exclusively on Nintendo Switch.
Unfold an allusive story filled with tragic choices, make sacrifices to uphold your ideals as you pursue light or covet darkness to discover your role in the new worldFight through a demon-infested wasteland with the Press Turn Battle System, pinpoint enemy weaknesses so you can perform consecutive actions but make one mistake and it may be your lastTurn formidable foes into worthy allies by recruiting them via negotiations, then fuse them to create demons customized to fit your playstyleExplore the expansive world of post-apocalyptic Tokyo, fully rendered in stunning 3D utilizing Unreal Engine 4, a first for the mainline Shin Megami Tensei series