Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice launched about four months ago, delivering yet another epic action game made by From Software. Our Nathan summarized his experience with the following words:
You can tell From Software was happy to try something a little different with Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The game has a few mechanical issues, which can largely be chalked up to new series jitters, but its energy and excitement mostly make up for its flaws. Yes, Sekiro can be downright sadistic at times, but those with the bushido (or plain old stubbornness) to face its challenges will have a bloody good time.
Once again, though, the game's release raised a heated debate within the hardcore game community: should all titles have an easy mode or not?
Sekiro, just like the Souls games (and Bloodborne) before it, certainly isn't accessible to every gamer out there. In fact, in our review, Nathan pointed out that it might just be the toughest From Software game yet. If you are among those that would really like to play it but have been rebuked by the game's default level of challenge, there's a new hope available in the form of a PC mod that essentially introduces an 'Easy Mode' to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
Created by Tender Box and available for download on Nexus Mods, it changes the following parameters of the game:
- It does not die by Terror.
- Strong attack power, high defense strength, and stamina.
- High Drop item Rate.
- Weapon buff time increase.
- Infinite Spirit Emblem.
- Prevents Damage from falling.
- Infinite Time of Puppeteer Ninjustsu
The effects related to defense and drop rate are applied as buffs.
It also modifies enemy(NG2+) stats.
How To Install
Sekiro Mod Engine
install mods folder in the place where Sekiro is installed. (Sekiro Game folder - mods - param - gameparam - gameparam.parambnd.dcx)
Should you choose to give this Sekiro mod a try, feel free to let us know your opinion in the comments below.