Fox has released the first trailer for its upcoming action-comedy, Keeping Up With the Jonses. The film stars Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot and Mad Men's Jon Hamm, who play the Jonses, a couple hiding a big secret.
The other, more much ordinary couple in the movie, played by Zach Galifianakis (The Hangover, Birdman) and Isla Fisher (Wedding Crashers, Rango), have a sneaking suspicion that their new neighbors are hiding something. As it turns out, the "impossibly gorgeous and ultra-sophisticated" couple played by Gadot and Hamm are covert operatives.
As the trailer shows, Galifianakis and Fisher's characters get caught up in the Jonses' scheme and obviously things do not go to plan. A house explodes, threats are made, and a phone call about cookies happens at the worst possible time.
Keeping Up With the Jonses comes to theaters on October 21. It was directed by Greg Mottola, who also made the 2007 comedy Superbad.
Gadot will reprise her role as Wonder Woman in 2017's Wonder Woman and again in the upcoming Justice League movies. As for Hamm, he will also be seen in next year's Baby Driver from Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World director Edgar Wright.
What do you make of the Keeping Up With the Jonses trailer? Let us know in the comments below.