Disney has released the first image of its upcoming DuckTales revival series, providing a glimpse at the reboot of the classic animated series scheduled to come to Disney XD in 2017. The image showcases Scrooge, as well as his grandnephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie--and of course Donald. They are seen here in a jeep, careening through a forest, having apparently gotten themselves into some trouble with a spear-throwing enemies.
As the Disney Blog points out, the art style--assuming this matches what we'll see in the show--looks mostly similar to the 1980s Emmy-winning TV show
IGN reports that the DuckTales reboot "drew its inspiration from Disney legend Carl Barks' comic books," which Disney programming VP Marc Buhaj said set an "enduring standard for animated entertainment that connects with both kids and adults."
The latest DuckTales game was 2013's DuckTales Remastered, which was developed by WayForward and published by Capcom. "Life is like a hurricane...of sadness," we said in our 4.5/10 critique.
Well, while we wait for the new show, why not watch this video of the DuckTales theme song with real ducks in the background...
This story has been updated and corrected.