The second episode of Sonic 2000 has been released for download alongside a new trailer for the Unreal Engine 4 fan game.
Sonic 2000 is quite impressive and might well go head to head with Sega’s official Sonic titles. The fan game tells the story of why chaos emeralds are no longer used in recent Sonic games. What events took place after Sonic Unleashed before Sonic Lost World, which prevents the characters from using chaos emeralds? What secrets do the temples of Chaos Emeralds hide?
Sonic 2000 is being released in episodes and this second episode, titled Shadow of Water, continues after the events of the White Jungle (episode 1) and tells what role Shadow plays in this plot. White Jungle tells the story of the iconic Sonic.
The minimum system requirements for Sonic 2000 are as follows:
Minimum system requirements:
CPU: Intel i5 5th gen @ 2.7Ghz or AMD A10 7th gen @ 3.0GhzMemory: 4 GB RAMGPU: 2 GB Direct3D 11&12DirectX: Version 11Storage: 5 GB available spaceWe’ve included the newly-released trailer for Sonic 2000, accompanied by a great-sounding soundtrack, alongside a set of screenshots for both White Jungle and Shadow of Water down below:
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Both episodes can be download through here. Be sure to support the creator of Sonic 2000 via Patreon.