The upcoming sixth installment in the long-running Scream franchise will feature the return of four survivors from this year's entry. According to Variety, Melissa Barrera (Sam), Jasmin Savoy Brown (Mindy), Mason Gooding (Chad), and Jenna Ortega (Tara) will all reprise their roles.
In the weeks following the fifth installment's release back in January, it was quickly announced that Scream 6 is happening--with principal photography slated to begin in early summer. It's already less than a year before Scream 6 hits theaters, as in March it was announced the next sequel is slated for a March 31, 2023 release date.
Executive producer Chad Villella told The Hollywood Reporter in late January, "To make it special, you need to subvert things that have been established as the new rules and play outside of those parameters. Let's break the rules now that we just re-created. And just go for it. I think you have to really go there."
Radio Silence's Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett will direct Scream 6--which doesn't yet have a title, and tentatively (and confusingly) could be the second Scream 2 in the franchise. Writers Jamie Vanderbilt and Guy Busick are returning to write the script. It's a winning team that steered Scream to earn $30.6 million in its opening weekend.
Reviews for this year's Scream were fairly split--basically, if you're already a fan you'll be in for a good time. GameSpot's Chris E. Hayner enjoyed the film's self-referential sarcasm and steady tension.
To date, this year's Scream has taken in roughly $140 million at the global box office.
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