The long-awaited adaptation of the anime classic Ghost in the Shell finally arrives next week, and a new clip has been released. It shows star Scarlett Johansson as cyborg cop The Major using the franchise's iconic thermoptic camouflage to deliver some rough justice. Check it out below:
This week has also seen the release of a new TV spot, centered on the villainous Kuze--check it out here. There have been several recent making-of featurettes too, including a look at the movie's visual style and another focusing on the Section 9 taskforce, plus this first clip.
In a recent interview with Den of Geek, director Rupert Sanders spoke about the approach that he and Johansson took to Ghost in the Shell. "Scarlett and I were very categorical that we wanted to do something different," he said. "We wanted to exist beyond the Marvel universe, beyond the DC universe. We wanted to be the rogue, I guess.
"I think we've succeeded in that. It's a really emotional and hopefully thought-provoking film, but it also delivers what you want to see in a film for that kind of audience. You want to see a big, action packed film, but at the same time, as you're moving along, you're into the action because you care about the action because you care about what they're going through."
Ghost in the Shell also stars Pilou Asbæk, Takeshi Kitano, Juliette Binoche, and Michael Pitt. It hits theaters on March 30.