In the past few months, rumors of possible new consoles from Sony and Microsoft have been circulating online, stating that both companies are planning to release upgraded versions of their latest home consoles, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. While Microsoft has commented on the matter, Sony hasn't said much about future plans, but it seems like launches of these new consoles are going to be imminent, judging from what has been recently said by the GameStop COO.
During GameStop's 2016 Investor Day, the company's Chief Operating Officer Tony Bartel stated that GameStop is pleased to see the introduction of technology like virtual reality and rumored new console launches, some of which seem imminent. While it's no mystery that at least one new console, the Nintendo NX, is going to have an imminent launch, it's interesting to note how Tony Bartel spoke of multiple launches, hinting at the release of the rumored upgraded new version of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.
Rumors about the upgraded PlayStation 4 console, which is apparently known as PlayStation 4K, have surfaced online a few weeks ago, with some sources revealing that the console would be likely based on the new 14/16mm microprocessor manufacturing technology. Other rumors stated that the upgraded PlayStation 4 console will feature a GPU that's twice as powerful as the current PlayStation 4 GPU, 4K Blu-ray player and more. Games developed for the original PlayStation 4 version are apparently going to benefit from the PS4K enhanced capabilities only if developers patch the games. All the PlayStation 4K information has come from unofficial sources, so we must take all this with a grain of salt until an official confirmation comes in from Sony.