Gearbox Publishing and Hopoo Games announced today that Risk of Rain 2 will officially be leaving Early Access with next month's major update. The Launch Update for Risk of Rain 2 features a number of big changes to the game as well as an increase to the game's price.
Risk of Rain 2 has already been considered a success for Hopoo Games and Gearbox Publishing. This third-person roguelike shooter has already earned over one million sales within its first month in Steam Early Access since it launched last year. And now, Risk of Rain 2 will finally depart the Early Access period with its official launch later next month. Here's what to expect for the next major patch in Risk of Rain 2.
Launch Update:
New Survivor, The Captain: Brought to life through 60,000 community votes in April, The Captain joins the crew as the tenth playable character. The Captain controls the battlefield with utility and damage – with help from the Survivors’ orbiting dropship, the UES Safe Travels. He wields a shotgun-rifle combo that narrows the spread as it charges and can stun targets. The Captain can also leverage his high-ranking authority to request probes and beacons from orbit to either provide armor or a healing zone for him and his allies.New Stage, Monsters and Hidden Boss: A new stage brings your escape run to its natural conclusion: The Moon! Can you survive new lunar monsters and face off against the Final Boss?Server Browser: The new Server Browser improves the matchmaking experience. Join or create your own dedicated servers with options such as difficulty, rule voting, password protection and more.New Items: Add a chance to fire magma balls on-hit with Molten Perforator, or drain your opponent’s life bars into yours with Super Massive Leech – just two of the latest additions in the game’s arsenal of more than 110 items. New Skill Variants and Lore Entries: Complete challenges in game to unlock even more skill variants for Survivors, adding even more strategic potential for Survivors and team composition.Risk of Rain 2 is currently available as an Early Access title on PC (Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. From now until the August 11th launch date, Risk of Rain 2 is available on Steam at the discounted price of $19.99, before going up to $24.99 after the official launch. All three console versions of Risk of Rain 2 are available now for $29.99 with no updates on whether pricing will change in the near future.