Riot Games has released a new infographic detailing usership figures for League of Legends, and claims the free-to-play online multiplayer title is the "most played video game in the world."
Riot claims League of Legends boasts 12 million daily "active" players, though it is not clear how the developer defines "active." Additionally, Riot said the game has 32 million monthly "active" accounts, and a total of 70 million registered users.
Not only does League of Legends boast an enviable playerbase, these gamers are playing together at a healthy clip. Riot said League of Legends boasts a peak concurrent player figure of 3 million. This number was derived from the average number of players simultaneously online during a "typical" day in July 2012.
Lastly, Riot said over 90 percent of League of Legends players are male, and 85 of total players are between the ages of 16 and 30. Additionally, the developer claims 60 percent are currently enrolled in college or have completed "some" college.
League of Legends has not been without controversy. During the World Playoffs recently, Riot Games investigated accusations of cheating during the $2 million tournament, and ended up finding the parties responsible and fining them $30,000. This money will be donated to charity.