Adult Swim's popular animated show Rick & Morty will wrap its fifth season with an hour-long season finale, the network has announced.
The episode is slated to air on Sunday, September 5 at 11 PM. A brief teaser shows Rick and Morty in a heated exchange. Morty invites Rick to replace him, and Rick whips out a "wheel of better things than Morty." On this spinning wheel are names like Kyle 2.0, Half a Paul Giamatti, Gene With Donkey Brains, Bag of Meat, and Sentient Sh*t. The wheel lands on Two Crows, and Rick fires Morty.
Tune into @adultswim on Sunday, September 5th at 11:00 PM to catch the one hour season finale of #RickandMorty Season 5!
— [swimpedia] (@swimpedia) August 9, 2021
The voiceover in the trailer then says viewers can tune in to find out, "Who is Rick without Morty?" Seemingly the episode will see Rick take on a new companion, Two Crows, but whether or not it sticks remains to be seen.
Even after Season 5 wraps up, there is plenty more Ricky and Morty coming down the line. In 2018, Adult Swim ordered 70 more episodes of the series, and co-creator Dan Harmon stated earlier this year that the writing team was already working on Season 7.