Asian IT website Digitimes reports that mass production on the Nintendo NX has been delayed into 2017.
While Nintendo has stated that they plan to launch the NX in March 2017, Digitimes now claims that mass production on Nintendo’s upcoming console has been postponed from mid-2016 to early 2017. According to “sources from the related upstream supply chain”, Nintendo is allegedly delaying mass production to add a VR function to the new console.
Nintendo's next-generation game console, the Nintendo NX is scheduled to enter mass production in early 2017, delaying about half a year from the company's original mass production plan in the mid-2016. Sources from the related upstream supply chain pointed out that the delay was because Nintendo wished to enhance the game console's video-game/handheld-game-integrated gaming experience and add virtual reality (VR) function into the system to gain advantages in the upcoming video game and mobile game competitions.
The sources pointed out that the supply chain received Nintendo's notification to start developing mold for the Nintendo NX in the mid-2015 and was told that the system would enter mass production and launch in the mid-2016. However, Nintendo has recently given them a new mass production schedule and asked them to start mass producing some key components at the end of 2016.
Nintendo is said to be adding a VR function to their console, to “satisfy the popular trend in the gaming market”. Furthermore, Digitimes’ sources claim that the NX will be some sort of hybrid console, combining the console gaming experience with mobile gaming experience.
The sources pointed out that the Nintendo NX combines the video gaming experience with the mobile gaming experience. The device features a 5- to 7-inch display, controller and joystick for users to play as a mobile gaming product, but it is also able to connect to a TV for users to play as a video game system. Nintendo is now planning to add VR function to the device to satisfy the popular trend in the gaming market.
It isn’t the first time that a report comes out, claiming that Nintendo will not be able to meet their production target – back in November of 2015, Digitimes already reported that Nintendo might not be able to meet their 20 Million Assembly Target for the NX. As with all reports and rumors, take the content with a pinch of salt.