RA Images has announced its first foray into the gaming world, the PC title Daemonica. The developer was originally founded as a computer art and animation house, but has decided to develop the adventure title set in medieval England and will release it in Q1 2005. Daemonica is being developed in cooperation with the Czech studio Cinemax.
The 3D adventure game follows Nicholas Farepoynt, an investigator with the ability to speak with the dead. Farepoynt's job is to solve murders and hunt down the culprits in and around the city of Cavorn. When he takes on a case involving the killing of a young girl, the city begins slipping into a state of hysteria and a larger evil surfaces.
Daemonica features full 3D environments and a twisting storyline. As Farepoynt, gamers will be able to talk to both living and dead characters, create potions from gathered herbs, and bring the dead back to life.
Be sure to check back with GameSpot soon for more information on Daemonica.