Sony's John Koller revealed when Sony plans on officially released update 3.00 into the hands of the rest of the patiently awaiting PS4 owners who weren't invited to the beta.
Now testing is complete and it's ready to be installed on the millions of PS4's out there, so check for the update starting tomorrow morning. The servers will likely be overwhelmed early on in the day, so don't expect breakneck speeds when downloading it first.
Online storage capacity increase — Online storage capacity has been increased from 1GB to 10GB for all PS Plus members. A usage monitor and auto-upload menu are now included in the Application Saved Data Management.YouTube live — YouTube Gaming is now a supported streaming option.Events — A new hub has been added that gives an overview of in-game activities such as double XP weekends and the like.Favorite Groups — You now have a Favorite Groups section in the Friends app, allowing for quicker accessibility of your top friends.Communities — You’ll be able to create your own communities based on a variety of categories. These communities will have message boards, and a way to quickly start large multiplayer games.Sharing video clips to Twitter — The ability to share directly with Twitter has been added. Maximum video length is limited to 10 seconds, however.Stickers — Similar to the mechanism that Facebook uses, you’ll be able to send stickers to friends through messaging.Now Playing / What’s New — More information will be available on the Now Playing screen about your friends activities. There will even be easier ways to get into a game, start a party, request screen share and even to the PSN to buy whatever your friends are playing.Live from PlayStation — The Live From PlayStation app has been updated. It’s now easier to view popular trending broadcasts in real-time.Request to watch gameplay — A ‘Request to Watch’ notification can now be sent to an individual which, when activated by the one playing, will start a live broadcast or let them Share Play.