Following months of all kinds of rumors and reports, Sony finally took the wraps off the highly anticipated mid-generational hardware upgrade to its eighth generation video game console. PlayStation 4 Pro, previously known as PlayStation Neo, runs games at 4K resolution and uses the HDR technology to make your normal console games look much better in terms of visuals. If you are wondering how some already impressive-looking PlayStation 4 games would look running on PlayStation 4 Pro, here is a GIF graphics comparison for you.
These GIFs are courtesy of GamesRadar, “each of these GIFs are from a 1080p gameplay trailer for each game: one from new Pro footage, one from previous PS4 video,” notes the site. Of course, this is not a proper comparison, but you can see the difference is quite visible even without a 4K display. You can see how accurately the light coming from the glow stick that Lara is carrying is presented. Uncharted 4 also looks better overall running on PlayStation 4 Pro.
Without further ado, you can take a look at these PS4 Pro vs PS4 GIFs for yourselves below. The difference between these games running on PlayStation 4 compared to PlayStation 4 Pro is quite similar to what you’d see when you compare a game running on low settings with that running on high settings on PC. Note that in each pair, the GIF on the top is from PlayStation 4, and the one below it is from PlayStation 4 Pro.