Xboxers will soon be able to gear up their racing collections now that Project Gotham Racing 2 has gone gold. Microsoft Game Studios and British developer Bizarre Creations have given the green light on the production on their upcoming title, the sequel to the Xbox's first acclaimed racing game.
Like the original, PGR2 combines the grit of the street-racing circuit with the glamour of immaculately recreated high-powered cars--nearly 100 in all. The kudos scoring system is back, awarding points for driving style and tricks, as well as for fast race times. PGR2's multiplayer games are now Xbox Live-enhanced, supporting up to eight-person races, scoreboard challenges, and the ability to download Live Ghosts of the top racers. For a more thorough test-drive of the game, take GameSpot's preview for a spin.
Project Gotham Racing 2 will start parking itself in store shelves November 18, is rated "E" for Everyone, and retails for $49.99.