One child made a surprising discovery Christmas morning. After snapping some images with a 3DS he received on Christmas, Tom Mayhew's 8-year-old son found various pornographic images saved on the system, WAVY News 10 reports.
"He went to play his games, not knowing anything was on it," Mayhew said. "After a while, [the kids] took pictures of themselves and when the picture was taken it went to a file."
When Mayhew's son opened the image files, he found a dozen pictures were already there--pictures he was not meant to see.
"It was a shocker because we had family here, and there were a lot of kids here," Mayhew said. "The kids were the ones that discovered those pictures."
"There is no reason for them to be even really on there," he added. "It's disgusting for one. It seems that this was the only thing left on it."
Mayhew purchased the 3DS at a Wal-Mart in Hampton, Virginia and said the images were time-stamped for early December. However, he bought the 3DS on December 23, so the portable was likely purchased and then returned without Wal-Mart wiping the system of user data.
This is not the first time a porn-filled 3DS has been sold to a unknowing consumer. Last year, GameStop sold a refurbished system containing sexual images to a Colorado man, who gifted the portable to his five-year-old son.
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