A new month is upon us, which means Niantic will soon be releasing a new set of Field Research tasks for Pokemon Go. The tasks are scheduled to begin appearing this coming Wednesday, May 1, at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET, and they'll be available through the end of June. What's more, they'll give you another chance to catch a couple of fan-favorite Legendary Pokemon.
Each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough during the next two months, you'll be rewarded with an encounter with one of four possible Legendaries: Ho-Oh, Lugia, Latios, or Latias. Both Ho-Oh and Lugia were previously available through Research Breakthroughs, but this marks the first time you'll be able to encounter the Eon Pokemon this way, which is helpful if you missed out on their recent Raid events.
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Now Playing: Pokémon Go Adds More Legendary Pokémon This May - GS News Update
As usual, you'll be able to receive the new Field Research tasks by spinning the Photo Disc at Poke Stops. You can complete as many Field Research tasks as you'd like daily, but you'll only earn a stamp for the first one you finish per day. You'll need to collect a total of seven stamps to achieve a Research Breakthrough and encounter the Legendaries.
Additionally, you'll be able to hatch new Pokemon from Eggs beginning this week. The Gen 4 Pokemon Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, and Bonsly may appear from 2 km Eggs, while Cubone, Combee, Buizel, Glameow, Bronzor, Skorupi, and Croagunk may hatch from 5 km Eggs. Finally, 10 km Eggs may produce Mawile, Absol, Shinx, Cranidos, Shieldon, and Riolu. You can read more details on the Pokemon Go website.
Also on the way in May is a new Pokemon Go Community Day. This time, the event will take place on Sunday, May 19, and the featured Pokemon will be Torchic, one of the three starters from the series' Gen 3 games, Ruby and Sapphire. You'll also be able to earn triple the usual amount of Stardust for every Pokemon you catch during the event.
In the meantime, you have another opportunity to catch Shiny Meltan, as the special Mythical Pokemon is appearing again from now until May 5. If you're unsure of how to find one, check out our guide on how to catch Meltan. This is also your last chance to capture Origin Forme Giratina; the Legendary is scheduled to leave Raid Battles on April 29.